• Thursday, February 16, 2023 10:35 AM | Deleted user

    Did you know that students in the United States spend just two hours per school year, on average, learning about the climate crisis? According to UNESCO, only half of the national curricula in the world have a reference to climate change.

    National Wildlife Federation and Bard College’s Graduate Programs in Sustainability launched #Teach10Hours4Climate in 2022 to increase the amount of time – five-fold – that K-12 students spend learning about this existential topic and gain the knowledge and skills they need to adapt to a rapidly changing world. Ten hours for climate education per school year sounds like a modest request – and it definitely is, given the scale of the crisis. But it’s an achievable start.

    Click here to register and receive a guide with worksheets and resources

  • Wednesday, January 25, 2023 2:32 PM | Deleted user

    Calling all high school educators!  The Climate Initiative's Learning Lab has three teacher modules and seven learning modules available for free to download.  Register by February 15th and you could receive a $300 stipend for a 2022-23 school year project.

  • Monday, December 19, 2022 10:34 AM | Deleted user


    The Grosvenor Teacher Fellowship (GTF) is a professional development opportunity for pre-K–12 educators made possible by a partnership between Lindblad Expeditions and the National Geographic Society. Through a competitive application process, we’ll select exemplary educators to host aboard Lindblad Expeditions’ voyages for a life-changing, field-based experience. Our Grosvenor Teacher Fellows will transfer their onboard experience into new ways to teach students, engage colleagues, and bring new geographic awareness into their learning environments and communities.

    Fellows also take on a two-year leadership commitment to support National Geographic’s education initiatives. Throughout their commitment, Fellows may be asked to conduct webinars, co-design resources, participate in meetups, and serve as mentors to other educators.

    The fellowship was founded by Sven-Olof Lindblad in honor of Gilbert M. Grosvenor, chairman emeritus, National Geographic Society, in recognition of his decades-long work supporting pre-K–12 educators and promoting geography education across the United States and Canada.

    More info here

  • Wednesday, October 26, 2022 10:29 AM | Deleted user

    Florida Sea Grant is hiring a regional clean boating coordinator for NE Florida (to cover FDEP's northeast region). There are a few different options for work location, so although the job description says Flagler, that's not set in stone. Additionally, the position is listed as "time limited" because it is a contract position through FDEP, and that contract has to be renewed annually. But if the person is doing the job, there is no reason to anticipate the position not being renewed! If you know anyone who has an interest in boating, marinas and outreach, please encourage them to apply. We've just extended the application deadline to October 30. 



  • Friday, October 14, 2022 8:47 AM | Anonymous

    Join Archbold Biological Station's education team and make a positive difference by communicating science, connecting people to nature, and cultivating environmental identity in children and adults in the Headwaters of the Florida Everglades. The intern receives on-the-job training, mentorship, and participates in a statewide education conference.

    Responsibilities include but are not limited to: leading elementary school field trips, assisting in virtual events, working outreach booths at community events, assisting with program evaluations, and performing animal care (snakes) duties. The intern can choose to receive fire training and help on prescribed burns. During personal time, the intern can enjoy access to our preserve lands, including a private lake, and is invited to accompany researchers into the field to see rare plants, Gopher Tortoises, and Florida Scrub-Jays. 

    Position: Jill Abrahamson Memorial Environmental Education Internship at ARCHBOLD BIOLOGICAL STATION

    Internship Period: 34 weeks, Nov. 28, 2022 – July 21, 2023

    Last Date to Apply: 10/30/2022

    Accommodations: Lodgings provided: dormitory style with roommates

    Compensation: $12.25 per hour

    Hours: up to 30 hours a week, sometimes weekends

    View the full job posting here.

  • Thursday, October 06, 2022 9:31 PM | Anonymous

    Do you want to make interactive 360 virtual tours for your natural area or educational center?

    If so, join Dustin Angell (Archbold Biological Station) and Sara Kassis (Sonama State University) for a free 90-minute workshop and create a tour alongside them. The 360 images and other materials are provided, but participants will need to make a Thinglink account. Thinglink offers free accounts to preview their platform. Sara and Dustin are not associated with the company; they just want to share this creative educational tool with you.

    October 12, 2022, 2PM-3:30PM EST

    Register online HERE

    On Oct. 11, registrants will be emailed the Zoom link and course materials.

  • Thursday, September 22, 2022 11:41 AM | Anonymous

    Fall Semester 2022 Environmental Education Assistance and Training, Polk County Parks and Natural Resources, at Circle B Bar Reserve and Polk’s Nature Discovery Center

    The scope of this work is an instructional contract. Polk’s Nature Discovery Center is looking for an environmental educator that will be conducting environmental education field visits for 3rd-5th grades at Circle B Bar Reserve and Polk’s Nature Discovery Center, during the months of August 2022 – December 2022. Polk County Environmental Lands Program implements educational programs in partnership with Southwest Florida Water Management District. The educational programs will serve a variety of audiences and ages within Polk County. These programs will engage the community in investigating the value of Polk County’s natural resources. Programs for school age children will introduce and review concepts that are a part of the curriculum in the classrooms. The primary purpose of these programs will be to connect complex concepts to meaningful real-life experiences and to help people understand their impact and connection with the environment. This scope will provide the following instructional assistance:

    • Implement environmental education programs with a variety of groups including but not limited to school groups, after school programs, families, and community groups. 
    • Prepare for educational programs, which may include but not limited to making copies of materials, setting up rooms, setting up stations, cleaning and disinfecting supplies, assisting with the creation of virtual content, and anything else needed to prepare for groups. 
    • Maintain organization of materials and supplies 
    • Assist with communication with the teachers, parents, and other adults leading the children’s groups. 
    • Conduct Pre and Post Test evaluations of each group. 
    • Represent the County and District with providing sound science information on water resource and natural resources of Polk County. 
    • Assist with staff and/or teacher training workshops as needed during this time frame.

    Provide instructional assistance minimum of 4 days not exceeding 5 days per week, within the fall semester programming period which starting as soon as possible and ends December 23, 2022. A new contract period would be January 2023 – May 2023.

    Typical Hours for Instructional Assistance: 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, 6 hours per day (may be flexible for the right candidates) 

    For more information contact Eric Eversole 863-668-4673 or email nreducator@polkcounty.net

  • Thursday, September 15, 2022 4:13 PM | Deleted user



    Sept. 15, 2022                 

    For more information, contact: Trina Hofreiter, Operations and Outreach Manager, League of Environmental Educators in Florida

    (407) 676-4137              

    The League of Environmental Educators in Florida, in partnership with the Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance, announces the launch of Phase 2 of its landscape analysis of environmental education efforts in eight southeastern states. This phase follows the successful Phase 1 project, which focused on environmental education (EE) in nonformal settings. Data from Phase 1 allowed SEEA to identify gaps and barriers to access that prevent successful implementation of EE in the region and determine next steps for increasing environmental literacy efforts in the southeast. Collected from more than 650 programs in eight states, the data also allowed the network to equip organizations conducting environmental and conservation-related work in the region with the resources they need to allocate their own resources more effectively and to ultimately serve as a guide for future strategic planning efforts at the local, state, and regional level.

    The baseline data we gathered in Phase 1 has the potential to do even more than it already has, and that is one reason why the next step, Phase 2, is essential. In Phase 2, SEEA will gather data from PreK-12 schools in the eight SEEA states, enabling the network to get the full picture of EE happening in schools throughout the region. Then, in late 2022 and early 2023 SEEA will compare this data with that collected in Phase 1. The two datasets together will offer the most complete picture ever collected of current EE offerings in the region and what gaps and barriers exist in both formal and nonformal settings for students of all ages and in all areas. Comparing the data from nonformal and formal EE providers will allow SEEA affiliates and their states to further the goal of advancing EE in the region and building collective impact that has a lasting effect on the southeast.

    Following the success of Phase 1, SEEA is now distributing a robust survey to PreK-12 schools around the southeast. The primary target audience for the Phase 2 survey is school and district administrators and formal educators, at all grade levels, who work in the PreK-12 setting. The survey is the result of several collaborative sessions with EE leaders from the participating states and across the nation, and an in-depth analysis of the findings from Phase 1. Questions relate to organizational operations, audiences served, programming themes, and services to better understand environmental education and engagement in the southeast. 

    Following the survey period, SEEA members will create communications tools custom tailored to the needs of teachers and administrators in the southeast. SEEA will then distribute the findings to survey participants, school administrators, community leaders, classroom teachers, nonformal education providers, and other potential stakeholders through various communications tools such as a shared narrative, website, presentations, infographics, and reports.  

    SEEA would like to invite classroom teachers and PreK-12 school administrators to participate in this project by filling out the survey by October 5, 2022. You can learn more about the project and access the survey at southeastee.com/landscapeanalysis. 

    The Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance is a partnership of the following organizations:

    • Environmental Education Association of Alabama (EEAA)

    • League of Environmental Educators in Florida (LEEF)

    • Environmental Education Alliance (EEA) of Georgia

    • Kentucky Association for Environmental Education (KAEE)

    • Mississippi Environmental Education Alliance (MEEA)

    • Environmental Educators of North Carolina (EENC)

    • Environmental Education Association of South Carolina (EEASC)

    • Tennessee Environmental Education Association (TEEA)

    About the Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance (SEEA)
    SEEA is the result of a formal agreement between the southeastern states’ NAAEE affiliate organizations for advancing long-term objectives that further the common interests of the member states. The eight southeastern states’ NAAEE affiliate organizations are the SEEA affiliate members. 

  • Monday, August 22, 2022 9:25 AM | Anonymous

    "Don't Waste It" classroom instruction for local teachers was conducted during two sessions this summer by Environmental Programs Coordinator Megan Selva [LEEF trainer]. Said one teacher in her review: "I enjoyed it and can't wait to get back to the classroom for the activities."

    Read the full article from Conservation News, A City of Melbourne Publication. Summer 2022.

  • Monday, June 27, 2022 2:26 PM | Anonymous

    LEEF is seeking an enthusiastic and creative person with a passion for our mission and a desire to help us grow as an organization. The Operations and Outreach Manager will oversee the day-to-day operations of the organization, including management of a remote office, human resources, finances, and grants, including analysis and improvement of organizational processes to improve quality, productivity, and efficiency.

    See full job description here

Founded in 1983, the League of Environmental Educators in Florida is the professional association for individuals and organizations dedicated to the cause of environmental education in Florida. We are the state affiliate for North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), an organization that brings together those interested in the study and enjoyment of our natural world and one that has promoted excellence in environmental education throughout North America and the world for over four decades.  

The League of Environmental Educators in Florida is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

© 2021by the League of Environmental Educators in Florida.

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