LEEF is the host institution for Project WET in Florida. Water Education for Teachers offers resources and workshops. Florida events are coordinated through different organizations. A list of available PreK- 12 materials is listed below. For more information, email
NAAEE Guidelines for Excellence: Best Practices in EE
A series of guidelines created by NAAEE that outline best practices for high-quality environmental education. The guidelines help EE professionals develop balanced, scientifically accurate, and comprehensive environmental education programs and materials. Quality environmental education programs help develop an environmentally literate citizenry that can compete in our global economy; has the skills, knowledge, and inclinations to make well-informed choices; and exercises the rights and responsibilities of members of a community.
The latest versions of printed materials in the Guidelines for Excellence series are available as free downloadable PDFs or you may purchase bound copies.
Schedule a Workshops or Presentation: For more information about how you might schedule a presentation or workshop in your area, please contact Bora Simmons, borasimmons(at)
Florida Agriculture in the Classroom (FAITC)
A non-profit organization that develops and trains teachers and agriculture industry volunteers in its agricultural curricula and materials, which they in turn use to educate students about the importance of agriculture.
Uses nature to help PreK-12 students understand the environment, stimulate critical and creative thinking, and develop student's ability to be responsible and committed stewards of the environment. A list of available materials is listed below.
Preschool: Trees and Me
GreenSchools!: National
Links students and wildlife through its mission to provide wildlife-based conservation and environmental education that fosters responsible actions toward wildlife and related natural resource. A list of available PreK- 12 materials is listed below.
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)
Learn ways to implement GLOBE pedagogical models for inquiry-based research and how to use GLOBE protocols to answer scientific research questions.
Contact Providers
Florida Humanities Council
UF IFAS Extension
Local extension offices provide scientific knowledge and expertise to the public. Program offerings vary by county and include classes, demonstrations, field trips, meetings, workshops, and more.
Local Offices
The Florida Wildflower Foundation
Wild About Wildflowers! activity guide encourages Florida’s third- and fourth-grade students* to learn about native wildflowers and their place in the environment through fun, engaging activities.
To access a PDF of the full activity guide as well as ancillary PowerPoint files, please fill out their brief request form.
Teachers also may apply for wildflower garden grants that serve as outdoor classrooms when used with the activities. Visit to learn more about their Seedlings for Schools grant program.
BEETLES Project (Better Environmental Education, Teaching, Learning & Expertise Sharing)
Infusing outdoor science programs with research-based approaches and tools to improve science teaching and learning. Learn more.
Founded in 1983, the League of Environmental Educators in Florida is the professional association for individuals and organizations dedicated to the cause of environmental education in Florida. We are the state affiliate for North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), an organization that brings together those interested in the study and enjoyment of our natural world and one that has promoted excellence in environmental education throughout North America and the world for over four decades.
The League of Environmental Educators in Florida is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
© 2021by the League of Environmental Educators in Florida.