Grants & Funding
1. One Planet. One Health Initiative
Deadline: June 6
This competitive program will select and fund up to five transdisciplinary teams in 2021 to design, implement and evaluate actionable community-based projects on sustainable food systems that contribute to the nutritional health of populations. Each selected team will receive a $30,000 One Planet. One Health Initiative Innovation Award to implement its project and amplify its message to a broader audience over a two-year period. Teams may use this grant mechanism to supplement current funding from other sources, but new project aims must be developed for the One Planet. One Health Initiative funding. Learn more.
2. COVID-19 Prevention & Mitigation Among Refugee, Immigrant, & Migrant Communities
Deadline: June 11
The National Association of County Health Officials (NACCHO) is offering this funding opportunity for local health departments and community-based organizations (CBOs) to partner to rapidly to scale up innovative COVID-19 education, testing, contact tracing, vaccination, and other prevention and mitigation strategies with refugee, immigrant, and migrant (RIM) communities. With support from CDC, NACCHO will provide funding and technical assistance to LHDs and their RIM community partners to implement at least one primary prevention strategy (for up to $175,000) with the option of implementing a secondary primary or secondary prevention activity (for up to $250,000). Learn more and register here.
3. National Black Farmers Association's 2021-2022 Next Generation Black and Hispanic Farmers (NGBHF) Scholarship Program
Deadline: June 15
NGBHF Scholarship Program will award up to 25 scholarships to Black and Hispanic graduating high school seniors who plan to enroll or are enrolled in an agriculture program of study at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln with a commitment to engage in the family farm operation post college graduation. Learn more.
4. RWJF's Healthy Equity Scholars for Action
Deadline: June 16
Diversifying who does research makes evidence stronger and helps us put that evidence into action. Yet racism and discrimination often stand in the way of the career path for many people. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's new program provides support to help you thrive professionally and personally, and contribute to evidence that can help build a Culture of Health. Grants, up to $250,000 each, are available for research projects about health, well-being, and equity; the award includes mentorship and coaching as well as a community of support to help build your network and develop career opportunities. Learn more.
5. Funding Resource: A Historic Year for FMPP and LFPP
Farmers Market Coalition Staff put together an overview of the Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) and Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) Requests for Application (RFA), including a breakdown of funding sources and match during this unique year, project types and maximum awards, how to become a reviewer, and key areas for applicants to focus on. If you've thought about applying before, or applied and not been funded in the past, this could be a fantastic year to access this historic funding opportunity. This year the timeframe for applying has been shortened to 45 days with applications being accepted now through June 21, 2021. This year an unprecedented amount is available for funding, and AMS has lowered the match requirement for much of the funds to 10%, making this a historically accessible opportunity. Read more.
6. The Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP)
Deadline: June 21
The Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand direct producer-to-consumer markets to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products by developing, coordinating, expanding, and providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to domestic farmers markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture programs, agritourism activities, online sales or other direct producer-to-consumer (including direct producer-to-retail, direct producer-to-restaurant and direct producer-to-institutional marketing) market opportunities. A 10% or a 25% match is required. Learn more.
7. Local Food Promotion Program
Deadline: June 21
The Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand local and regional food business enterprises that engage as intermediaries in indirect producer to consumer marketing to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products. Grants can be used for the planning stages of establishing or expanding a local and regional food business enterprise or to improve or expand a food business that supports locally and regionally produced agricultural products and food system infrastructure by performing feasibility studies, market research, training and technical assistance for the business enterprise and/or for producers working with the business enterprise. A 10% or a 25% match is required. Learn more.
8. USDA Invests $92.2 Million in Grants for Local, Regional Food Producers Affected by the Pandemic
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the availability of $92.2 million in competitive grant funding under the 2018 Farm Bill’s Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP). The LAMP grants announced today are funded through the Farmers Market program as part of USDA’s Pandemic Assistance for Producers Initiative. USDA launched this initiative in March to address shortfalls and disparities in how assistance was distributed in previous COVID-19 assistance packages, with a specific focus on strengthening outreach to underserved producers and communities and small and medium agricultural operations. These grants support the development, coordination and expansion of direct producer-to-consumer marketing, local and regional food markets and enterprises and value-added agricultural products. Learn more.
9. Institutional Challenge Grants
Deadline: September 14
The Institutional Challenge Grant encourages university-based research institutes, schools, and centers to build sustained research-practice partnerships with public agencies or nonprofit organizations in order to reduce inequality in youth outcomes. The award supports research institutions to build sustained research-practice partnerships with public agencies or nonprofit organizations in order to reduce inequality in youth outcomes. Learn more.