Webinars & Events
1. Webinar: The Cows Don't Milk Themselves
May 25 // 4:00pm ET
In this webinar we will learn more about farmworkers’ groundbreaking Milk with Dignity program, which brings together farmworkers, consumers, farmer owners and corporate buyers in order to foster a sustainable Northeast dairy industry that advances the human rights of farmworkers, supports the long-term interests of farm owners, and provides an ethical supply chain for retail food companies and consumers. Register here.
2. NFSN Coffee Chat: How Do We Feed Our Communities?
May 27 // 3-4:00pm ET
To achieve a just and equitable food system, we have to take action against racial inequities in the ways food is distributed and the ways our communities are fed. Join us for a coffee chat conversation on Facebook Live with Krystal Oriadha, National Farm to School Network Senior Director of Programs & Policy, and Asata Reid, chef, author, and health educator, for a discussion about food access, food affordability and food equity. Chef Asata will also share about her new book, “How to Feed a Kid: a Parent’s Guide,” and how parents can navigate the nuances of feeding children from birth to adulthood. Everyone eats, and everyone can play a role in shifting power in the food system! RSVP here to join live or to watch the recording later.
3. Webinar: A Conversation on Staffing Summer Meals Programs
June 2 // 2:00pm ET
Are you facing challenges in staffing the summer meals program this year? Are you looking for ideas for how to sustain operations and give your staff a break? Join this conversation with No Kid Hungry's school nutrition experts to hear their tips and tricks and to hear their ideas for any challenges you may be facing. This will be a Zoom meeting, so all attendees will have the opportunity to come off mute and ask questions directly. All summer meals providers are welcome to join, but please know that the panelists come from school nutrition departments, not community-based organizations. Register here.
4. Webinar: Reimagined in America: Taking the Sustainable Development Goals Local
June 4 // 1:30pm ET
Meaningful change can start with a city block. Over the past few years, a handful of local U.S. leaders have used the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a blueprint for their work to promote equity, health, and well-being for all—reinforcing that local progress can contribute to global change. This webinar will cover how you can your community use the SDGs to advance equity locally while uniting with others to improve health and well-being across the globe? Learn more.
5. Webinar: Guiding Resilience - A Legal Workshop for Farm Service Providers
June 3, 10, 17, 24, & July 1 // 2-4:00pm ET
Guiding Resilience is a legal workshop designed just for extension agents, nonprofit professionals, lenders, advocates, business advisors, and other agricultural service providers. This workshop empowers you to guide farmers and ranchers towards resolutions for their legal vulnerabilities. You will walk away from this five-session, highly interactive, and in-depth workshop ready to help farmers move forward from legal questions with confidence. Plus, you’ll have a new network of agriculture professionals to connect with on legal and other important topics. Learn more.
6. NFSN Virtual Gathering: Save the Date! Shifting Power, Cultivating Justice
June 23 // 1-5pm ET
National Farm to School Network is planning a virtual community gathering on Wednesday, June 23 from 1-5pm ET and you’re invited! In the spirit of our Call to Action, this community gathering will be centered on learning, connecting, strategizing, and committing to action for shifting power through farm to school to cultivate justice. Hold the date and time now, and be on the lookout for registration information coming soon. Details and registration links will be posted here when available.
7. Webinar: Green Schools Conference
June 28-29
Annually, this conference brings together nearly 1,000 attendees who are critical to advancing green schools for all children—those who lead, design, build, and teach in schools around the world. The conference will address topics such as design for sustainability education and social equity, healthy schools and COVID-19 response, empowering student leadership, achieving climate commitments, and much more. Learn more and register here.
8. Montana Farm to School Summit: Digging Deeper (Helena, Montana)
August 11-12
Learn and share how Montana schools and programs are cultivating success through the core elements of farm to school--serving local foods, school gardens, and nutrition, agriculture, and food education. Workshops, field trips, and networking opportunities will provide inspiration and skill building. The conference will feature national and Montana farm to school champions who will share their stories and experiences. The summit will feature Montana Harvest of the Month successes and resources. Learn more and register for this in-person event.