Wings Over Florida Butterfly Workshop

Wednesday, July 28, 2021 3:36 PM | Anonymous member

August 4, 2021, 2pm - 4pm (EDT)

Introduction to Wings Over Florida and partnering.

Register for a two hour-long session where you will learn about the Wings Over Florida program and how you can use the program at your park/nature center/classroom.

Please note that this workshop is intended for education professionals working at parks, nature centers, or classrooms. There will be a general Wings Over Florida webinar in the near future for others interested.

Administered by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Wings Over Florida rewards participants for observing birds and butterflies in Florida. Illustrated certificates are awarded for reaching various milestones. The butterfly portion was developed in cooperation with the Florida Museum of Natural History. These workshops are designed so education/interpretive staff can learn about the butterfly program, how to partner with Wings Over Florida, and award Wings Over Florida certificates.


Founded in 1983, the League of Environmental Educators in Florida is the professional association for individuals and organizations dedicated to the cause of environmental education in Florida. We are the state affiliate for North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), an organization that brings together those interested in the study and enjoyment of our natural world and one that has promoted excellence in environmental education throughout North America and the world for over four decades.  

The League of Environmental Educators in Florida is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

© 2021by the League of Environmental Educators in Florida.

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