Board Member Duties


LEEF officers shall consist of a President, President-elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and six (6) Directors.

All Board Members shall:

1.      Affirm their commitment to the mission of LEEF and service of its membership.

2.      Participate in LEEF fundraising activities.

3.      Look for sources of funding such as grants and donations.

4.      Develop knowledge of the Environmental Education profession and programs in the state.

5.      Be professional representatives and spokespersons of LEEF and shall be prepared to provide membership/organization/information whenever possible.

6.      Attend Board, assigned committee and planning meetings. Every Board member will serve on at least one Action Team/Committee.

7.      Must attend and participate in the Annual Board Orientation.

8.      Contribute to the LEEF outreach activities.

9.      Maintain term-appropriate Board files and property.

10.  Discuss with their replacement meeting their job responsibilities, policies and procedures and ongoing projects.

11.  Turn over position and board related files and property to the appropriate board member. Turnover shall take place before the first scheduled Board meeting following the start of the new board term. Only the president-elect and president shall retain his/her files for multiple years.

12.  The outgoing past president shall turn over conference files and property to the incoming president-elect.

13.  Assume office after the induction ceremony at the Spring Conference.

14.  Review, revise and approve the annual budget.

15.  Commit to donating to LEEF to enable the board to be recognized as a 100% giving board.

16.  Each LEEF Board Member shall have access to the LEEF Board of Directors’ cloud storage which will include, at a minimum:

A. Board and committee contact information

B. Bylaws

C. Policies and procedures

D. Minutes and notes from Board, membership, and committees

E. Annual budget and financial reports

F. LEEF forms

G. Logo and marketing Information

H. Strategic plan

I. Website (read only except for authorized people)

J. Project WET

K. Additional files

.Executive Team

The Executive Team shall consist of the President (presiding), President-elect, Immediate Past President, Treasurer and Secretary

Responsibilities of the Executive Team

1.      Serves as the Personnel Committee.
2.      Serves as the replacement for any vacant officer positions until officer is appointed or elected.
3.      Gather information for upcoming Board meetings and projects and prioritize for the Board.
4.      Works diligently to find replacement officers as quickly as possible.
The President shall:

1.      Preside at all Board, executive team and membership meetings.

2.      Prepare agendas for LEEF Board and membership meetings.

3.      Maintain communications and coordination between all LEEF Board members.

4.      Establish committees and appoint the Chairs of all Board action teams/committees.

5.      Receive reports from action team/committee chairs and share this information with the board for necessary action.

6.      Appoint replacements for vacated Board positions.

7.      Maintain Board position descriptions as listed in the Policies and Procedures.

8.      Supervise LEEF staff in the absence of an executive director.

9.      Serve as ex-officio member on all committees, except the Nominating and Audit Committee.

10.  Prepare annual summary to be given to the membership within three months of the end of the fiscal year and at the membership meeting.

11.  Be the official representative of the LEEF.

12.  Represent LEEF at appropriate meetings/conferences or appoint a substitute.

13.  Attend a national conference as a registered LEEF representative as the budget allows, not to exceed $500. The president will make a presentation and attend all affiliate activities held at the meeting. If unable to attend, the Board may designate another LEEF member.

The President-elect shall:

1.      Serve in this position for one year and automatically progress to President, then Past President in succeeding year.

2.      Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence.

3.      Perform such duties as may be required by the President.

4.      Serve as a member of the Executive Committee, Nomination/Election committee and Finance Committee.

5.      Serve as official liaison to other state education affiliate organizations at the President’s discretion.

6.      Assist the Past President in conference planning.

7.      Begin planning for their conference(s) held in the year they are Past President.

8.      Prepare to assume the office of President by:

A.      Attending as many action team/committee meetings as possible

B.      Learning how to conduct meetings, call for votes, create agendas, and work closely with the President

C.      Learn about LEEF’s finances and strategic plan.

The Past President shall:

1.      Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

2.      Perform all duties as assigned by the President or Board.

3.      The Past President will collaborate with the conference chair to organize the annual or mini-conference(s). Conferences will alternate between mini-conferences and multi-day conferences.

4.      Provide counsel and historic perspective.

5.      Conduct change of officers’ ceremony at the conference.

6.      Conduct or arrange for an orientation for incoming Board members as soon as possible.

7.      The outgoing past president shall meet (either face-to-face or electronically) with the president-elect within one month of them taking office to discuss LEEF business and Board practices.

The Secretary shall:

1.      Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

2.      Record minutes of all LEEF Board of Directors and LEEF General Membership meetings.

3.      Post a copy of minutes in the cloud within 30 days following each meeting. All handouts that are distributed at meetings or posted on the cloud are an integral part of the minutes.

4.      Retain a record of all LEEF Board of Directors and LEEF General Membership meeting minutes with original signatures.

5.      Retain copies of all corporate and legal documents in Cloud storage and required original documents in the Secretary’s files.

6.      Update LEEF bylaws as revisions are approved by the membership and post to cloud storage.

7.      Update LEEF Policies and Procedures as revisions are approved by the Board and post to cloud storage.

8.      Retain contracts or agreements entered into by LEEF that are currently in effect.

9.      At the direction of the President or Board of Directors, handle all LEEF correspondence that is not directly related to another office or a specific action team/committee.

10.  Acknowledge deaths of LEEF members upon notification.

The Treasurer shall:

1.      Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

2.      Be legally responsible for LEEF's funds and finances as provided for under Florida State law.

3.      Keep financial records of the organization in the Cloud. These records must be maintained and reconciled monthly.

4.      Keep clear concise records of all transactions. Transaction records shall include detailed information. This information will give the account to be posted to and reason for the expense. Deposits will contain detailed records of each check or cash amount deposited, including what and who generated the deposit. Clear, concise recordkeeping is essential for future interpretation.

5.      Use normal, acceptable, standard bookkeeping and accounting procedures.

6.      Be responsible for seeing that all accounting procedures are followed and implemented correctly by Board members.

7.      Complete all required corporate reports for the State of Florida.

8.      Complete all 990 tax reports and any other reports as required by the 501(c)(3) filing.

9.      Attend all audit committee meetings and provide all financial information and answer any financial questions.

10.  Sign LEEF checks. Organize the change in bank signatories as needed.

11.  Assist the Conference Chair with the financial arrangements for conferences.

12.  Bring any unusual expenses to the Board’s attention and request Board approval before making payments.

13.  Develop financial reports for Board meetings.

14.  Maintain LEEF’s insurance policies.

15.  Provide consistent, open path of communication with the bookkeeper and review bookkeeping reports monthly.

Directors shall:

1.      Represent all members of LEEF.

2.      Serve as the official representative of LEEF at meetings and workshops.

3.      Perform such duties as defined in the current approved policies and procedures or as requested.

4.      Serve as chair or co-chair of one or more action teams/committees.

5.      Attend and participate in annual board retreat and/or strategic planning meeting.

6.      Track progress and report to the Board on the progress of their assigned portion of the strategic plan.

7.      Seek individuals to actively serve on action team(s)/committee(s).

8.      Check Policies and Procedures to ensure that the Board is aware of existing policy before discussion at meetings.

Other Non-voting Board Positions

Action Teams/Committees

All Action Team/Committee Chairs shall:

1.      Serve for the term of the President by who appointed them.

2.      Actively search for and select committee members from the LEEF membership and/or outside the organization.

3.      Provide contact information to the membership.

4.      Further the mission of LEEF through the activities of the committee.

Standing Committees

Standing committees are such as Nominating, Membership, Conference, Audit, Finance, Scholarship and Mini-grants.

Ad hoc Committees

The president may establish ad hoc committees as needed; these committees shall serve until their duties are accomplished or no longer needed.

  • 1.      Select Committee chair.
  • 2.      Provide regular reports to the Board on the Committee’s progress with assigned task.

Audit Committee or Chair shall:

1.      Meet at least one time a year and as necessary.

2.      Review all financial records for required documentation, conformance with accepted accounting practices and LEEF Policies and Procedures and align with the budget.

3.      Review bank transactions (may be done electronically).

4.      Make fiscal and financial recommendations to the Board as needed.

Grants Committee or Chair shall:

1.      Committee shall consist of a minimum of three people.

2.      Maintain and distribute guidelines for LEEF grants.

3.      Distribute request for proposals to all LEEF members in the appropriate social media and networks. Set a deadline for submission, review and evaluate grants and provide a final recommendation to the Board.

4.      Announce recipients through digital media.

5.      Oversee completion of grants by recipients following mini-grant guidelines.

6.      Provide committee reports to the Board.

The Parliamentarian shall:

1.      Maintain a copy of and be conversant with Robert's Rules of Order.

2.      Give parliamentary guidance to the Board of Directors and annually provide parliamentary training.

3.      Help the membership when they need to address the Board.

 Revised and approved January 2024

Founded in 1983, the League of Environmental Educators in Florida is the professional association for individuals and organizations dedicated to the cause of environmental education in Florida. We are the state affiliate for North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), an organization that brings together those interested in the study and enjoyment of our natural world and one that has promoted excellence in environmental education throughout North America and the world for over four decades.  

The League of Environmental Educators in Florida is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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